• Stayed at Carcoar Dam on Thursday

  • Camped overnight Thursday at Carcoar Dam




Day 16


Thursday 3rd December 2009

Click on the pictures for larger versions

People arrived at various times of day. Some had caravans, others had huge buses and yet others just camped beside their cars.

Everyone was friendly and acknowledged each other.

One lot of French backpackers were so friendly that I had to pee while the male and female looked at their Laptops in the Male toilets.
They needed power and saw no reason why they shouldn't plug in their chargers while I peed.
The female didn't blink an eye, just smiled as I walked out.
The view from under the caravan awning
as we sat enjoying a cuppa.
  I had to take a trip into Blayney to get some fuel
so decided to take a quick shot of the main street.
It's a very tidy town.
I came back from a look around and found one of the campers chatting to Judy. She introduced herself and kept chatting. Her husband walked past but didn't come over.
As we talked, the usual questions came up, "Where are you from?", "Where are you going to?" etc etc.
When we told her we were from Kingaroy in Queensland, she said "Oh, my husband used to live near there, in Nanango".
We asked his name and it was very familiar. I said that Judy had a friend with that name. I asked the spelling and though it sounded the same, it was spelt slightly differently.
So we forgot about the name and she told us of her history, about how it was her first marriage but her husbands second marriage.

Judy had to check something in the van, so we talked on.
As we talked I was thinking how strange it was that her husband's name was so close to Judy's friend's and that he'd lived in Nanango.
She mentioned how her husband had kids and one of them was named Rhonda.
My ears pricked up and I said "Judy's friend had a daughter named Rhonda too! "
The coincidence was too great so she called her husband over and introduced him.

To cut a long story short, he turned out to be Judy's friend's ex husband but we had the spelling of the surname incorrect.
Everyone was amazed and we compared notes for ages.



Last Updated : 24/01/2012 09:12 PM +1000